At The Table With: Ty Schmidt, Creator of SchmidtyBakes

At The Table With: Ty Schmidt, Creator of SchmidtyBakes

We’re kicking off Pride Month with a spotlight on one of our most colorful creators—Ty Schmidt, founder of SchmidtyBakes! We talked about the importance of acceptance, the joy of sharing a meal and who he’d invite to a dinner party.

Slow Cooked Beef Short Ribs with Italian Gremolata

Nothing says “cozy” like slow cooked meat.

How To Make Festive Linzer Cookies

Linzer cookies? Yes, please!

8 Make Ahead Christmas Breakfast Ideas

While visions of maple-soaked waffles danced in our heads.

Traditional Christmas Foods and Why We Eat Them

Plus our favorite modern twists on the classics.

12 Days of Christmas Recipes

On the first day of Christmas, we ate and ate and ate…

Tips for Planning Your Christmas Dinner

Plus, a free sample menu to inspire you!

10 Christmas Dinner Recipes We’re Making This Year

The most exciting part about Christmas Day… except for the presents, of course.
